These words express a truth which resonates deeply within me. May these bits of "German wisdom" enlighten your day and bring a nourishing food for thought.
The feminine way of healing
Human MasksThe American culture strikes me as a strange one. Outgoing confidence, loud successes and beauty seem to define our worth. In this attempt to mainstream happiness everything else becomes invisible under shiny masks. We miss the brilliance and truth of being human while getting lost in confusion, anxiety and, depression. We don't get the chance to welcome our pain, our stillness, to listen to our wisdom and to find nourishment in the depth of our wells with each other.
My tears and laughter make me who I am today. You are welcome in your messy humanness. Let's listen to your wisdom and let you be with your pain. Let's drop the masks of social beauty and appropriateness. You don't need to fit in, you already are fully human. |